Bastille Week Items

There are several new items in Empires and Allies in this Bastille Week. The items are shown below.

There are two new military units, three new decorations items and a house.

Bastille Week Military Units
1) Bastille Tank

Costs: 1000 Coins, 50 Oil
Class: Tank
HP: 75

2) Rafale Fighter
Costs: 1500 Coins, 30 Oil, 15 Iron
Class: Fighter
HP: 80

Bastille Week Decoration Items
1) Army Target Range

Costs: 18 Empire Points

2) French Flag

Costs: 10 Empire Points

3) Napoleon Statue

Costs: 20000 Coins

Bastille Week House
French Cottage
Adds: 50 Population
200 Coins Every 6 Hours
Costs: 750 Coins, 75 Wood


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