
Have you ever wondered how is Steele your neighbour in Empires and Allies? Or do you know how Steele's level changes in the game? You may have many questions regarding Steele. We will try to explain everything on Steele of Empires and Allies.

Who is Steele?
According to the storyline of the game, Steele is one of the survivors of evil forces attack.

Is Steele's empire managed by anyone?
Steels's empire is not managed by anyone and it works automatically. But the game designers do have a control over Steele's empire and can change it.

Why is Steele there in your neighbours list?
Steele is the first neighbour of every player in Empires and Allies. There are generally three missions of including Steele in the game.

  • First, it help's you to learn the basics of the game, When you first join the game, you are asked to visit Steele's empire. So it teaches you how to visit your neoghbour's empire and what are the benefits of visiting them. 
  • Second, it shows how a good empire would look like and inspires you to play the game. 
  • Third, it helps you to know that neighbours are important in the game and you should be inviting your friends to play the game. 
Why does Steele have that big Empire?
As mentioned earlier, Steele's empire inspires other players to play the game. It also shows how efficiently an Empire can be managed and how do you use decoration items in the game. 

How does Steele's levels work?
You may have noticed that Steele also levels up in the game. Steele is always 5 levels ahead of you in the game. Steele's level is designed to work that way. 

Some pictures from Steele's Empire.

Steele's main Island
                                                                 Farming Island
                                                                Housing Island

                                                                  Military Island
                                                                    Unused Island


why do steele have items .. that i cant see it in my store .. please send an answer

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