Barracks II, Barracks 2

Barracks II or Barracks 2 is the second level of barracks in Empires and Allies. It produces more advanced land military units than barracks. We will be looking through each class of military units produced in barracks II. 


There are two different kinds of soldiers that can be produced in Barracks II.

       Bazooka Soldiers
       HP - 90
       Costs- 2000 Coins, 100 Oil, 8 Aluminium

Rocket Soldiers
HP - 120
Costs - 3200 Coins, 160 Oil, 15 Gold


There are two different kinds of Artillery that can be produced in Barracks II

Howitzer Artillery
HP - 120
Costs - 2400 Coins, 120 Oil, 11 Uranium

Heavy Artillery
HP - 160
Costs - 3600 Coins, 180 Oil, 16 Aluminium.


 There are two different kinds of Tanks that can be produced in Barracks II.

Sherman Tank
HP - 150
Costs - 2800 Coins, 140 Oil, 12 Iron

Abrams Tank
HP - 200
Costs - 3800 Coins, 190 Oil, 18 Aluminium.


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