Resources and how you earn them.

You can earn four different resources in Empires & Allies and they are Coins, Wood, Oil, and Ore. Each of the four different resources and the ways to earn them are described below.

1. Coins:
Coins are the most important resource in Empires & Allies. You can use coins to buy anything that does not cost Empire Points. You can earn coins during combat, from farms and houses, through daily bonuses, and by performing tasks for your Friends.

2. Wood
Wood allows you to build all buildings and decorations. You can obtain wood for your Empire by clearing trees on your island (10 Wood for trees and 1 Wood for bushes),through the Gifting Menu, or by purchasing through a friend’s Market. You can also generate wood from a Lumbermill with Coins. There are three types of Lumbermills which are Lumber Mill, Lumber Mill ll and Lumber Mill lll. You can find them in industry section under Build. More advanced versions are unlocked by increasing your Empire’s population and they can produce more wood.

3. Oil
Oil allows you to build all Advanced Ground, Air, and Navy Units. Oil is produced by Oil Wells, which have contracts bought with Coins or by purchasing through a friend's market. There are three types of Oil Wells that you can unlock which are Oil Well, Oil Well 11 and Oil Well 111. You can find them in industry section under Build. More advanced versions are unlocked by increasing your Empire’s population and they can produce more oil.

4. Ore
Ore allows you to build advanced Buildings and Units of all types. Ore comes in one of five types: Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Gold, and Uranium. Your Empire can mine only one type of Ore, which is chosen randomly when you first create your Empire. Your Empire’s Ore is produced by Ore Mines. More advanced Ore Mines can be unlocked by increasing your Empire’s population and they can produce more Ore.

Although your Empire cannot produce all four kinds of Ores there are Buildings and Units which require other types of Ore. There are four ways to get Ore that you do not produce.
i) You can get them from Critical Hit or Critical Kill combat drops.
ii) At the end of combat, you receive Ore as part of the victory reward.
iii) You can request your Friends to send you Ore through the Friends Ladder.
iv) You can use the Market to buy and sell Ore.

How much of resource each a player has is displayed at the top of the screen:


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